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Press Release

The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Napa County invites interested persons to apply for the position of Alternate Public Member on LAFCO. The appointment involves the Alternate Public Member position with a term ending on May 6, 2024. LAFCO meetings are held on the first Monday of even-numbered months. Special meetings and subcommittee meetings are also scheduled as needed. LAFCO is an independent government agency created by the California State Legislature in 1963. LAFCO is charged by law with preventing urban sprawl and encouraging the orderly formation and development of governmental agencies that provide municipal services within its jurisdiction. LAFCO approval is required for any annexations or detachments of land to and from incorporated cities and special districts in Napa County. LAFCO approval is also required for the formation of new cities and special districts.

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A vineyard with a large sculpture and a clear blue sky.


Thank you for visiting the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Napa County’s website; the governmental agency designated by the California Legislature to manage local governmental boundaries, evaluate municipal services, and protect prime agriculture lands. LAFCO will be proactive in raising awareness and building partnerships to accomplish this through its special studies, programs and actions. Everything you need to understand and work with LAFCO is available on this website. This includes downloading application materials, viewing staff reports and studies, and identifying helpful resources relating to growth management in Napa County as well as for the entire San Francisco Bay Area region.

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