Thank you for visiting the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Napa County’s website; the governmental agency designated by the California Legislature to manage local governmental boundaries, evaluate municipal services, and protect prime agriculture lands. LAFCO will be proactive in raising awareness and building partnerships to accomplish this through its special studies, programs and actions. Everything you need to understand and work with LAFCO is available on this website. This includes downloading application materials, viewing staff reports and studies, and identifying helpful resources relating to growth management in Napa County as well as for the entire San Francisco Bay Area region.
- Cities wishing to annex pockets or "islands" of unincorporated land located within their borders in order to avoid duplication of services with the county.
- Individual home owners requesting annexation to a sewer district due to a failing septic tank.
- Developers seeking annexation to cities in order to obtain more favorable development and urban services extended to the new housing.
- Special Districts or cities seeking to consolidate two or more governmental agencies into one, thereby streamlining their services and reducing the cost to local taxpayers.
CALAFCO (California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions) is an organization dedicated to assisting member LAFCos with educational, technical and legislative resources that otherwise would not be available. To learn more about CALAFCO, please view the following video: https://vimeo.com/260286274